Availing Of The Services Of A Personal Injury Lawyer

Submitted by: Steven Guy

As someone who has worked with numbers his whole life, I tend to collect and remember certain numbers, especially numbers that are scary. The federal debt of the United States is about $8 trillion and about $28,000 is allocated to every American family. No good could result from this. What is worse is another number. In the United States, lawyers that passed the bar have been able to go over one million.

Enduring a million lawyers have never been a possibility in the past. Even in today’s world, this many lawyers are not easy to go about. There are still some lawyers who really help society run smoothly. A lot of lawmen exist and some of these include prosecuting attorneys, corporate lawyers, defense attorneys, patent lawyers, and contract lawyers. When it comes to the personal injury lawyers and class action lawyers, they are in a class by themselves relative to their kind of service.

When it comes to committing sins, the religious people believe that God directly punishes them for these. For Noah and a chosen few, they were the only survivors after God sent a flood thousands of years ago. Later, he sent seven plagues upon Egypt for holding the Jews in bondage. There was a black plague in Europe in the Middle Ages that killed nearly half of the population. When it comes to the United States, there is nothing worse than the even plagues or floods with personal injury lawyers.


As their title says, personal injury lawyers are lawyers attending to injuries. For example, according to reports, a gentleman I will refer to as BC went to a show club in Brooklyn for a little rest and recreation. While he was in pursuit of his R&R BC was hit on the head by what he described as the massive boobs of one of the dancers there. Because of the sudden impact, bruises, contusions, and lacerations were inevitable. From the lawyer of BC came the demand for $200,000 in compensation for indignity, mental anguish, and emotional stress. We can only imagine the emotional stress and mental anguish BC is suffering after being struck down by the dancer’s 57 inch bosoms.

In one of the popular coffee shops in Manhattan was where a Canadian tourist in New York City planned to get some coffee. Another thing he did was use the toilet there. What he did next was to reach for some toilet paper. Sadly this caused the seat to shift and afterwards it clamped his manhood to the toilet bowl leading to intense suffering for this man. A staggering $500,000 is being demanded by the wife for the loss of his marital services other than the one million dollars in compensation for his injury already being demanded by his lawyer. There is less value for his manhood on the wife’s part and this is the bizarre aspect.

Really now, we are in a society where people are not responsible for what they do. Drinking with some friends became the plan for one Pensacola, Fla man. Passing out on some railroad tracks was this man after he drank too much with a lot of his friends and ended up wandering around in the wee hours of the night.

Then there was a passing train and soon enough he became a left hander. Can something be done? He sued the railroad because of what he said to be negligence to allow a train to pass as he slept on the tracks. What he received was $900,000.

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