Is Liposuction Surgery The Best Cellulite Treatment?

By Rena Graham

When it comes to issue on fat, one of the most pressing problems that a lot of individual have are cellulite. This unflattering flaw can certainly make a body look more dismal that it really is or maybe subtly taint a good figure because it provides a rough appearance. But one concern in particular is about cellulite and liposuction.

Is this procedure an answer for this problem? Or does it only worsen the situation?

Here are some questions and answers that will help shed a clearer light on the two.

What is liposuction and how does it affect the skin?

Liposuction is an invasive cosmetic procedure where an instrument is used to dislodge and suck the fats out of the body, with the use of a suction machine. A good amount of subcutaneous fat can be removed by this procedure, and because of that it is expected that some amount of skin would be present. Liposuction would usually fall short in appeasing this problem. So to manage this, a tummy tuck would have to be done after.


Why does a cellulite form?

Just imagine fat cells that inflate to a point where they look like layers of marshmallows. This how cellulite form, fats become enlarged and irregularly shaped, which are also constricted by connective tissue bands which extends from the muscles to the skin. As a result, the fats beneath the skin form lumps, which creates an uneven appearance over the surface. This is what they call the ‘cottage cheese’ or ‘orange peel’ look or more infamously known as cellulite.

How is cellulite fat different from the ‘normal’ fat in the body?

Cellulite fat is physiologically no different than the normal fat. By normal it entails that these fats are necessary for insulation and other normal processes of the body. Fats will only be considered cellulite depending on the extent of inflation, the characteristic of distribution and the extent of compression that the connective bands create.

Does liposuction and cellulite directly related?

Liposuction and cellulite are not necessarily related to each other, however most surgeons would claim that the procedure can result into something that is quite similar to cellulite. What causes this is that even with the best techniques what makes the work challenging for surgeons is determining the distribution of fats before doing liposuction.

What they do during a consult is to use pinching or palpating techniques to assess whether the fat that will remain after liposuction will yield smooth results, because unfortunately no device is yet available to determine such. And because judgement is always subjective, there is a good chance that the end result will render an irregular outcome that may look like cellulite. So for those who may already have cellulite, this might lead to aesthetic problems later on.

The good thing here is that there are procedures that can correct these irregularities such as Endermologie or thereapeutic massage.

How does liposuction worsen cellulite?

Liposuction and cellulite usually do not go well together. But to understand this more in detail, it is important that you know that the fat that is particularly removed in liposuction are the subcutaneous fat, which is located much deeper from the subdermal fat which results to cellulite. When the subcutaneous fats are removed it will make the dimpling that is already created on the surface all the more apparent, especially with loose skin.

About the Author: Is Liposuction surgery the best cellulite treatment? Find out



Esteem Cosmetic Studio

, an Autralia-based company, who specializes in liposuction in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra. Set an appointment today and experience how liposuction surgery helps get rid of those unwanted fats by employing the advance liposuction technique.


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