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By Bob Miles
Because of the inconvenience of traveling by commercial airline due to terrorism-related security restrictions, many people are considering travel by private jet charter. This mode of travel is of course quite expensive compared to travel by commercial airline. If youve got the money, though, it can be not be a sensible and even affordable option under the right circumstances:
(1)The fee is being paid by a company or a wealthy individual.
(2)A group travels together and would have to purchase separate tickets private jet charter fees are normally paid in lump sum.
(3)You have an important and urgent business deal to close, or for some other reason you must get to your destination at a particular time with no margin for error (and you need to be well-rested when you arrive).
There are scores of private jet charter operators in the US, including Executive Jet Management, Business Jet Services, Delta AirElite, PrivatAir, Hop-a-Jet , Trans-Exec Air Service, and more. These operators offer comfortable, large-cabin aircraft. Pilot and co-pilot are provided, and flight attendants are available upon request.
The primary reasons people choose private jet charter include:
(1) Privacy You get an entire jet all to yourself
(2) Economics Most private charter jets are spacious enough to seat 18 passengers. If the itinerary involves multiple stops and the fee is shared among all passengers, the per-passenger fee might be less than what youd pay on a commercial airline.
(3) Itinerary You dont have to rely on an airline to tell you when to go, where to go, and how to get there. You dont even have to wait in line.
(4) Flexibility Private jets can land at airports that commercial airlines arent allowed to use in fact about ten times as many. These small airports are not likely to be crowded, and may be much closer to your ultimate destination.
(5) Comfort Imagine a Jacuzzi full of bikini-clad supermodels (or Boy Toys, if you are female) pouring champagne down your throat as you soar over the Andesjust kidding. But seriously, private jet charters often offer comfort that easily exceeds even 1st Class on commercial airlines.
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