Spring Cleaning Tips And Hints

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By Vincent Platania

Spring – all that beautiful sun streaming through your windows! It’s one of my favorite times of year. Everything smells so fresh and new, the colors are bright and the whole world puts on a shiny new face. All that pretty, bright sunlight has another, not so delightful side effect though – it really shows where the winter’s dirt and dust has collected.

Lucky for most of us that spring is also a time when your energy is likely to put you in high gear. A few simple spring cleaning hints and tips can speed you on your way to getting the spring cleaning done so that you can get outside and enjoy all that beautiful weather.

Spring Cleaning Tips Checklist

1. Before you start cleaning, make sure that you’ve got everything you need. It’s no fun to be in the middle of doing a clean sweep, only to find out that you’ve got no window cleaner or dust cloths. Take stock of your equipment and make sure that you’ve got all the cleaning and dusting tools that you’ll need to clean your house from top to bottom.


2. Gather the right tools for each room and stash them in a bucket that you can carry with you from room to room. You might consider a few specialty items that will make things easier for you.

a. For computers and stereo equipment, don’t take a chance on lint and static ruining expensive toys. Invest in some lint-free static-guard cloths just for use on precious expensive audio, video and tech items. (D.C. Lint-Free Cloth for Electronics)

b. Freshen up your wreaths, flower arrangements and floral wall decorations with a product made especially to brighten and clean fabric flowers and plants (Easy Clean for Artificial Plants). They’ll look fresher and more colorful – just like new.

c. A duster with an extendable arm makes it easy to reach things that collect dust – but that are out of reach for daily dusting. You can use a long-arm duster (Reach Duster) to get at ceiling fans, high corners and chandeliers.

3. In each room, start at the top and work your way down. Clear everything off at once – and put things where they belong. Once the room is clear of clutter, dust high objects, wash walls downward, clean appliances, dust furniture – and save the floors for last.

4. Play music! Cleaning always seems to move along more quickly if you’re energized by your favorite songs on the stereo.

5. Take along a bin or trash bag from room to room. As you’re cleaning, fill the bin with all those things that you won’t be needing any more. When you’re done cleaning, haul it on down to your nearest Salvation Army or Goodwill Thrift Store to become someone’s found treasure.

6. Changing window treatments for the spring? One of my favorite free home maintenance tips can save you work in the fall. Just tuck a cedar block or sachet into the storage box with your winter curtains before you put them away. You won’t have to deal with musty odors or moth holes when you pull them out at the end of the summer.

About the Author: Author Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit fuller-brush-products.com

Source: isnare.com

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